AI Engineering for the Automotive Application Domain
In this section, publications about software engineering for artificial intelligence where specific reference is made to the automotive application domain are listed. Please feel free to recommend new publications through the contact page or by email.
How do Engineers Perceive
Difficulties in Engineering of
Machine-Learning Systems? –
Questionnaire Survey
Authors (Year): Ishikawa (2019)
Mentioned in Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning software: A systematic literature review
A Taxonomy of Software Engineering Challenges for Machine Learning Systems: An Empirical Investigation
Authors (Year): Wakatare et
al. (2019)
Mentioned in Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning software: A systematic literature review
Taming Functional Deficiencies of Automated Driving Systems: A Methodology Framework toward Safety Validation
Authors (Year): Chen et al. (2018)
Mentioned in Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning software: A systematic literature review
Your System Gets Better Every Day You Use It: Towards Automated Continuous Experimentation
Authors (Year): Mattos et al. (2017)
Mentioned in Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning software: A systematic literature review
DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep Learning Systems
Authors (Year): Pei et al. (2019)
Mentioned in Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning software: A systematic literature review
Deeproad: Gan-based metamorphic testing and input validation framework for autonomous driving systems
Authors (Year): Zhang et al. (2018)
Mentioned in Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning software: A systematic literature review
DeepTest: Automated Testing of Deep-neural-network-driven
Autonomous Cars
Authors (Year): Jana et al. (2018)
Mentioned in Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning software: A systematic literature review
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