In supervised learning, when using regression to predict continuous values, I understand that different approaches should be adopted depending on whether or not an enough quantity of labeled data is available for training the model. The question is: how do you determine if the volume of training data that is at your disposal can be…
What is the convex hull? The convex hull of a set of points in a Euclidean space is the smallest convex shape (polytope) that encloses all the points. Intuitively, you can think of it as the “rubber band” that tightly wraps around the outermost points. After stretching the rubber band around the points, if you…
How do you determine if two classes are linearly separable in practice? Determining if two classes are linearly separable in practice involves checking whether a straight line (or a hyperplane, in higher dimensions) can separate the data points of the two classes without any overlap. This is often done using visualization, mathematical techniques, or by…
On the basis of the scientific articles that you have mentioned, and possibly of some additional ones that you may want to consider, would you be able to outline a decision tree that leads to the identification of the best approach for supervised learning in all the different situations? May you please make explicit reference…
I understand that the best AI approach depends on the circumstances. Focusing for the moment on the supervised learning, can you list the scientific articles that are the most helpful in highlighting which are the elements that should be taken into consideration when it comes to selecting the AI approach to be used, and in…
Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning software: A systematic literature review Authors Link to publication Key takeaways